Desensitize your allergies with Bioresonance frequency.
Every food, mold, pollen, pet dander or other substance we come in contact with has a frequency signature identifiable by Bioresonance.
It’s safe, painless & non-invasive.
Allergic reactions are cleared by sending the corrective Bioresonance frequency to the body.
We find and desensitize the source of the allergy, unlike antihistamines and other approaches that attempt to reduce the symptoms rather than desensitize the source problem.
Do you suffer from a food allergy or intolerance?
Rayonex celebrates 40 years.
Rayonex bioresonance is now used in over 45 countries worldwide, providing up to 60,000 therapies every day, and is an alternative treatment for allergies you can trust.
Bioresonance Therapy Rayonex Biomedical (Since 1982)
We successfully desensitize
over 1000 allergens.
Eggs, Milk, Mustard, Peanuts, Fish, Crustaceans, Sesame seeds, Soy, Sulphites, Wheat, Cereals, Gluten and Tree Nuts.
(almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts) -
Pollen, Insect Bites, Mold & Other Fungi, Pesticides, Wood & Plant Fibre, Dyes, Hay & Plant Dust, Household Chemicals, Cosmetics, Textiles, Detergents, Medications, Petroleum Chemical Solvents, plus many other allergy causing substances.
What to Expect
on Your First Visit
The Assessment
Includes a brief discussion of your symptoms, suspected triggers, body response, general and specific health concerns, consider any other tests, therapies or advice you may have received from other health service providers.
Preliminary discussion is often by phone or email prior to your visit.
The Therapy
After placing sensors on ankles and wrists, the Bioresonance device gives indication of suspected allergens and intolerances to desensitize. A very subtle corrective frequency is then broadcast to the body via the sensors. Some have indicated noticing a slight sensation though many feel nothing at all. Others experience a feeling of release and relaxation during the therapy process.
The therapy is safe, painless and non-invasive. The body is never exposed to the actual substance being desensitised, only the subtle frequency profiles needed to correct the bodies reaction. Therefore, no allergic reaction can occur during the therapy session.
These are 2 hour appointments. A follow-up visit is recommended to check the holding of results and to assess any other symptoms not addressed at first visit.
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